Whenever someone hosts a function and says that anyone is welcome, "the more the merrier", I ask myself, "Is that really the case". Not at all.
There is always one sod who doesn't quite gel with the group, a person who isn't familiar with the dynamic. In crowds exceeding 8 people, "the more the merrier" will inevitably prove to be a load of nonsense. That "bad seed" will annoy. How much? Well, best case that person is quiet and alienated. Worst case, "the elephant in the room" is a colossal beast with a loud mouth spewing inappropriate and misguided filth.
Let it be known, travelling exacerbates the qualities of the "bad seed.
Cash Truth #2 - "the more the merrier" is rubbish, all the time, until the end of time.
There once was a man named Cash,
who had loads of green in his stash.
He bought himself land,
with some change in his hand,
oh the betties, how did they dash!